This Week's Speaker:
Martin Merritt
How Rich People Protect Their Assets
Martin Merritt is a 37-year Healthcare & Government Investigations Lawyer and founder of Martin Merritt PLLC, a Dallas Health Law and Healthcare & Government Litigation Boutique and a nationally recognized author and lecturer. Martin has been featured in D Magazine as a Best Lawyer in Dallas for 2024 and has been selected as a Texas Super Lawyer for 2024 and a Best Lawyer in America for 2025, having been elected by his peers.
Notes From David...
Welcome to 2025 and the 2nd half of our Rotary year. I hope you all had wonderful holidays and good times with loved ones. 
There's some possibility of snow and bad driving conditions. IF we cancel Friday morning's meeting, or if we decide to meet by zoom, I'll send an email out Thursday night. If there is no cancellation email when you get up Friday morning, you can safely assume we're meeting in person. (Irrespective of the foregoing, you need to run to the store NOW and buy as much toilet paper as possible, hahaha.)
Tom Riordan Remembered
On the District Conference Cruise this month, there will be a special Remembrance for Rotarians in our District that passed away over the last two years. I provided Tom's information, a picture, noted that he was a founder of our club and deeply beloved by our club, and that we renamed the service award "The Tom Riordan Service Above Self Award."
Credit Card Foundation Donations
You may have noticed that we have two places on our website where we can accept credit card donations for the Addison Rotary Foundation. We're doing this through Zeffy, which means we will incur no credit card processing fees which are typically 2%-4% of the charge. So, you can now make your "birthday donation" through the website using a credit card. I dislike writing checks and messing with cash, and I like credit card points. If you're like me this will make your life a bit easier. Also, we can use this for other fundraising.  PLEASE NOTE: this is only for donations to the Addison Rotary Foundation, NOT for club membership fees.
I've seen the first pass of the video. It looks good, but I asked for a few edits. I hope to get it back soon.
Make it a great day!
David Heimer
From Our Last Meeting
Exchange student Sakutaro "Saku" Anazawa from Japan told us about his first few months in Texas experiencing life at an American high school.
Santa Claus made a visit to deliver candy canes to all good Rotarians.
Where will the Rotary International Convention be held in 2025?
Answer is at the bottom of the bulletin.
Upcoming Events
Serve Dinner at Ronald McDonald House
Ronald McDonald House of Dallas
Jan. 22, 2025
4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Feed Our Staving Children - Packing food bags
1680 N Glenville Dr
Feb. 07, 2025
2:00 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.
View entire list
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Dave Hunt
January 2
Jay Stevenson
January 27
Jill Cumnock
Kris Cumnock
January 9
Join Date
Jay Stevenson
January 2, 1984
41 years
Gary Carby
January 4, 2008
17 years
Janet Meyer
January 8, 1988
37 years
Brian Williamson
January 16, 2015
10 years
Raj Narayanan
January 28, 2005
20 years
Trivia answer:   Calgary, Canada
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