Dan Tatum will be conducting an interactive session with Chris Freis and Charlie Brown at the meeting on Friday. Come learn some facts about our new colleagues!
Our meeting over zoom last week went well. It was good that our speaker was well-acquainted with video-conferencing presentations. I'm glad we will meet in-person this week! BTW, our speaker last week, Martin Merritt, will visit us this week. So, this is your opportunity if you have any unanswered questions for him.
We have our financials from the first half of this Rotary year. (Thank you Randy Lasley and Brian Williamson!) Our budget projected a very small positive income ($251) for the first half of our year. In fact, we had a positive net income of $9,531. While that feels good, it means that we didn't spend funds on some projects (like Marketing and PR) as we intended. Our cash and near-cash position is very strong at $70,624, an increase of $6,520. In the interest of full transparency, our financials are in the documents section of Clubrunner available to any Addison rotary club member.
Our board of directors monthly meeting is Thursday at 7:30AM. It is open to any club member. Just let me know if you want to attend and I'll send you the zoom link. Also let me know if you have any issues that need to be brought before the board.
I'm looking forward to seeing you in person Friday!
Due to bad weather the Addison Rotary club met virtually by Zoom last Friday. Our scheduled speaker was able to participate, Fritzie chastised anyone who turned off their camera, and we all had flashbacks to COVID days!